a) What is your Make-A-Wish? Imagine you've a terminal illness and only months to live. Make-A-Wish is in the business of making dreams come true. What are you going to ask for and why? Explain.
b) When you do pass on, in what position would you like a taxidermist to stuff you and where would you like to be put? What outfit would you like to wear? Any accessories or accouterment? Describe your final interment. Support your answer with specific details.
c) What is something you hold dear? A belief, a value, a truth or ideal. Something that defines you. Cup it gently in your mind's eye like a baby dove, letting its sonorous cooing fill you with the salve of wisdom. Bask in this life-affirming, sun-kissed moment of knowing. You still with me? Now. Crush that baby bird between your palms. Strangle it with your bare hands, explaining through your tears that you no longer accept the cawing lies of a mendacious fucking bird. Tell it that meaning is neither inherent nor absolute but rather situated within a time and a place (a history and a culture). Meaning is arbitrary: What you make something mean is the meaning it carries. Discuss.
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